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Matcha syrup

Active: 20 min Total: 25 min
vegan gluten-free lactose-free
Matcha Sirup - Yago Matcha

Experience a taste explosion with every drop of matcha syrup, enriching drinks and sweet dishes with an exotic Japanese note and transforming everyday life into a culinary journey of discovery.


  • 2 g (2 scoops) matcha powder
  • 125 ml sugar
  • 125ml water
  • 2 tsp water


  1. Put the sugar and water in a saucepan and cook until the sugar has completely dissolved and a syrup has formed. This takes about 20 minutes. The syrup will turn slightly yellow.
  2. Mix the matcha powder and lukewarm water with a matcha whisk until the matcha powder dissolves and foam forms.
  3. Add the matcha to the syrup and stir well.
  4. To preserve the color of the matcha syrup, if possible, wrap it completely in aluminum foil and store it in the refrigerator.
  5. Shake the syrup well before use! It has a shelf life of approx. 2 weeks.
Good to know

Der Matcha Sirup kann sowohl in warmen als auch in kalten Getränken verwendet werden, je nach Vorliebe und Wetter. Verfeinere dein Wasser oder füge ihn deinem Lieblingstee hinzu, um einen extra Kick Matcha-Geschmack zu bekommen. Viel Spass beim Experimentieren!

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